Theme Configuration

This document describes the XML file structure used to configure themes. Themes allow the user to alter a number of visual elements in order to customise the interface.


Locations & Naming
Theme Definition
Game Selector
Theme Overriding & Precedence

Locations & Naming

A theme may be defined in any of the usual XML configuration files, but it is also possible to create a single package containing the theme's configuration file(s) and any other resources, such as images and sounds. This facilitates the distribution of complete themes.

The package structure is in essence simply a directory. This directory may have any name, but it make sense to use the name of the theme. The configuration file, which must be named "theme.xml", is placed in the root of the directory. When a relative file path is found in the theme configuration, the application will automatically search for the file relative to the theme's directory. For example, suppose we have a theme named "foobar" with the following directory structure:

  |   +-arrow.png
  |   +-menu_texture.png

If the image "arrow.png" is to be used, it can be specified as "images/arrow.png" instead of having to specify the full path. The theme directory itself must be placed either:

Theme Definition

The basic structure follows the usual rule of having a <cabrio-config> root element. Under this a <themes> element is defined, and under this zero or more <theme> elements containing the theme definition:



The <background> element is used to configure the background image as displayed on the main screen.

Element Data type Description
image-file String Image file to be used as the default background.
rotation Numeric Speed at which the background should rotate. 1 is very slow, 1000 is very fast, 0 means no rotation. Use a negative value to rotate in the other direction.
transparency Percentage How transparent the background should be. 0% means completely opaque, 100% is invisible.


The <font> element is used to configure the font used for all text displayed by the application.

Element Data type Description
font-file String Path to the TrueType font file used to render text for the interface.
size Numeric The base size of text in the interface. Different elements of the interface may internally scale this up or down.
color RGB The colour of all text.


The <sounds> element contains zero or more <sound> elements which are used to define the sound effects used by the interface. The <sound> element in turn supports the following subelements:

Element Data type Description
name String Specifies which sound is being defined. May be any of:
  • back: played when moving back to the previous menu.
  • blip: played when changing selection in a menu or the game selector.
  • no: played when a control is actuated which has no meaning or is prohibited in the current context.
  • select: played when a selection is made in a menu.
sound-file String The name of the sound file to use.


The <menu> element is used to cusomise the main menu, from which filters/categories are selected.

Element Data type Description
image-file String The image to be used as a background for the menu items.
item-width Floating Point The amount by which menu items should be scaled horizontally.
item-height Floating Point The amount by which menu items should be scaled horizontally.
font-scale Floating Point The amount by which text should be scaled.
zoom Floating Point The amount by which an item is scaled to indicate that it is selected. A value of "1.0" means no scaling. The default value of "1.2" results in the selected item being 20% larger than the others.
transparency Percentage The transparency of non-selected items. Zero means completely opaque, 100% is completely invisible.
primary-offset Floating Point How far the menu is offset from the centre of the screen on the axis perpendicular to its orientation, i.e. if the menu is horizontally oriented (landscape), the vertical (Y-axis) offset.
secondary-offset Floating Point How far the menu is offset from the centre of the screen on the axis equal to its orientation, i.e. if the menu is horizontally oriented (landscape), the horizontal (X-axis) offset.
items-visible Integer Maximum number of menu items which may be visible at one time. The actual number mey be lower, depending on how many menu items there are in total.
spacing Floating Point/String The spacing between menu items. If set to "auto", the spacing is determined automatically with regard to menu item sizes and orientation.
border Percentage The precentage of the width or height of a menu item that is considered the border. Text will not be displayed outside of this area.
orientation String The orientation of the menu, either "landscape" (horizontal) or "portrait" (vertical).
auto-hide Boolean When set to true, the menu is automatically hidden when control is passed to the game selector (and displayed again when control returns to the menu).


The <submenu> element is used to cusomise the submenu, from which filters/category values are selected.

Element Data type Description
image-file String The image to be used as a background for the the submenu box items.
item-width Floating Point The amount by which the submenu box should be scaled horizontally.
item-height Floating Point The amount by which the submenu box should be scaled horizontally.
font-scale Floating Point The amount by which text should be scaled.
primary-offset Floating Point How far the submenu is vertically offset from the centre of the selected menu item.
secondary-offset Floating Point How far the submenu is horizontally offset from the centre of the selected menu item.

Game Selector

The <game-selector> element configures the game selector and, optionally, the individual itmes ("tiles") it consists of.

Element Data type Description
primary-offset Floating Point How far the game selector is offset from the centre of the screen on the axis perpendicular to its orientation, i.e. if the game selector is horizontally oriented (landscape), the vertical (Y-axis) offset.
secondary-offset Floating Point How far the game selector is offset from the centre of the screen on the axis equal to its orientation, i.e. if the game selector is horizontally oriented (landscape), the horizontal (X-axis) offset.
orientation String The orientation of the game selector, either "landscape" (horizontal) or "portrait" (vertical).
x-size Floating Point Amount by which the game selector should be scaled horizontally. Negative values have the effect of horizontally flipping the selector.
y-size Floating Point Amount by which the game selector should be scaled vertically. Negative values have the effect of vertically flipping the selector.
tile-size Floating Point Amount by which all tiles are scaled.
selected Integer Which of the tiles is considered to be displaying the selected game. This must match the <order> value of one tile.
tiles -


Element Data type Description
order Integer Number by which game selectors are sorted to determine their order. The tile with the lowest <order> is first and subsequent tiles follow in ascending order.
x-position Floating point Horizontal offset of the tile from the centre of the screen.
y-position Floating point Vertical offset of the tile from the centre of the screen.
z-position Floating point Distance of the tile from the viewer.
x-angle Floating point Amount by which the tile is rotated in the X-axis.
y-angle Floating point Amount by which the tile is rotated in the Y-axis.
y-angle Floating point Amount by which the tile is rotated in the Z-axis.
transparency Percentage Transparency of the tile. Zero means completely opaque, 100% is completely invisible.


This is the area used to display a screen shot of the current game. It may in the future be used to display other images (e.g. cabinets or control panels) or even videos.

Element Data type Description
primary-offset Floating Point How far the snap is offset from the centre of the screen on the axis perpendicular to the screen orientation, i.e. if the screen is horizontally oriented (landscape), the vertical (Y-axis) offset.
secondary-offset Floating Point How far the snap is offset from the centre of the screen on the axis equal to the screen orientation, i.e. if the screen is horizontally oriented (landscape), the horizontal (X-axis) offset.
x-angle Floating Point Degrees by which the snap is rotated in the X-axis.
y-angle Floating Point Degrees by which the snap is rotated in the Y-axis.
z-angle Floating Point Degrees by which the snap shot is rotated in the Z-axis.
size Floating Point Amount by which the snap should be scaled.
fix-aspect-ratio Boolean When set to true, the snap is automatically stretched to the current screen aspect ratio. Orientation is preserved.
auto-hide Boolean When set to true, the snap is automatically hidden when control is passed to the menu selector (and displayed again when control returns to the game selector).


This section configures the "hints" - the images and text used to prompt the user for input (i.e. the buttons and arrows).

Element Data type Description
pulse Boolean When set to true, makes the hint images and text "pulse" by alternating slowly from transparent to opaque.
arrow-image String Image used for the arrow hint. The image should depict the arrow pointing upwards. It is rotated to produce the arrows pointing in other directions.
back-image String The image used for the "back" button.
select-image String The image used for the "select" button.
spacing Floating Point/String The spacing between button images when the game selector is active.

Theme Overriding & Precedence

A theme can be overridden by specifying theme parameters in the <interface> section of "config.xml". Probably the easiest way to understand the mechanism is to follow the steps taken when determining which theme attributes should be applied.

  1. The default theme, hard-coded into the apllication is loaded into memory.
  2. The theme specified by name in the <interface> section of "config.xml" is read and any attributes specified overwrite their conterparts from the previous step.
  3. The <interface> section of "config.xml" is read and any attributes specified overwrite their conterparts from the previous step.
  4. The resulting theme attributes are applied.

Any of the elements listed above under <theme> may therefore also occur in the <interface> section of "config.xml", for example:


In the above configuration, the menu as defined in theme "foobar" will be used, but the <max_visible> parameter will be overridden with the values "5". As not other manu parameters are specified, these are inherited from the "foobar" theme. Of course, if the "foobar" theme doesn't specify a <max_visible> in its <menu> section (or indeed if there is no <menu> section at all!) the value will be inherited from the default hard-coded theme.

Note however that it is not possible to override individual game selector tiles, either by means of a user-defined theme or by using theme parameters in the <interface> section of "config.xml". If a <tiles> element is found, all tiles found up to that point are discarded and replaced with those specified in the subsequent <tile> elements.